Five Signals That Your Coaching Client Might Need To Be Referred:
Strengthening Professionalism with Clear Boundaries of Coaching
by Jerry Browning, Chiron Company - Individual and Organizational Development For What's Next
What are the issues?
1. Rise of mental health issues.
2. Blurring of counseling and coaching.
3. Stigma of theapy.
One in five people in America today report having mental health issues, according to Mental Health America. Less than 30% of them get help. We have to wonder. Do they know how to get help?
With the blurring of counseling and coaching today, it is confusing for those of us in these professions, let alone for those seeking help. The coaching industry is growing and provides support for individuals in all kinds of siutations and challenges. Clients might seek help from a coach when they actually need therapy. Coaching has been built through psychological theories and approaches causing confustion for coaches and clients.
If you are a professional coach, you must understand when and how to refer clients who need more than coaching. The following responsibilities for professional coaches are becoming increasingly important for you as a coach, your clients, and the coaching industry.
- 1. Professional development in understanding the boundaries between coaching and counseling.
- 2. A Coach Agreement that clearly states what your services are and are not.
- 3. Emergency Procedure with local information for how to handle someone in urgent need of help. Where to call and what to do.
- 4. Use a Coaching Supervisor as part of your professional practice to keep yourself fit to practice by clearing any dilemmas that may arise in your work.
- 5. Become involved in a professional coaching association where you can find supportive relationships for your practice.
- 6. Understand the 5 Signals for Referring a Coaching Client
The Five Signals:
Does the client display changes in any of these areas that seem to impact daily functioning or safety?
- 1. Physical
- 2. Mood
- 3. Behavior
- 4. Cognitive
- 5. Coach -- Are you as a coach frustrated or concerned? This may be your strongest clue.
Maintaining ethical standards is a critical part of sustaining coaching as a profession and industry that has value and is credible.
I encourage all coaches to continue to develop, take coaching work seriously, and enjoy helping each and every client.
Jerry Browning - I believe coaching is the most precise and potent method for development.
Chiron Company